Take a little time for yourself



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About Us

Coramdeo massage is dedicated to provide high quality techniques to ease your pain and aches based on wide knowledge of physiology and anatomy with evidence based Physiotherapy approach.

We understand that every client has individual needs and preferences, therefore we will do our best to provide a treatment experience that is personalised to suit you.



Sport Massage

Therapeutic Massage

Deep tissue Massage

Sport Massage

Sports massage is a form of massage involving the manipulation of soft tissue to benefit a person engaged in regular physical activity.

Soft tissue is connective tissue that has not hardened into bone and cartilage, it includes skin, muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia

(a form of connective tissue that lines and encapsulates other soft tissues).

Sports massage is designed to assist in correcting problems and imbalances in soft tissue that are caused from repetitive and strenuous physical activity and trauma.

The application of sports massage, prior to and after exercise, may enhance performance, aid recovery and prevent injury.

Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic massage tends to be holistic, treating the whole person, and so doing increases our relaxation response.

Most therapeutic massages focus on the entire body, not just one or two parts.

Its aim is to soften tight muscles, tissue and fascia, and provide deep relaxation.

At the same time, it can improve circulation and boost our energy.

A good therapeutic massage provided by experts can even improve our mood or general alertness, and so elevate our entire sense of well-being.

It too can be restorative, and facilitate healing or recovery from injury.

Deep tissue


Deep tissue massage is a technique applied to thedeeper layers of muscle tissue.

It involves applying slow strokes and deep pressure on tight areas to target the inner layers of your muscles and connective tissues.

This helps to release chronic tension and break up scar tissue that forms following an injury.

It will leave feeling refreshed and rejuvented.

You may experience slight discomfort during the massage, as it focuses on the deeper muscles.

Price lists

40 minutes


60 minutes


40 minutes


(5 times)


60 minutes


(5 times)


Get in touch!

For reservation and other inquiries please text, call or e-mail

contact us



021 047 6494


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